Why You Should Choose a Google Partner Agency
If you’re looking for a marketing consultant or digital advertising agency to assist you with your business’s marketing efforts, you’re likely overwhelmed by all of the choices! The fact is, there are hundreds of agencies that would be willing to compete for your business, but you deserve to find a marketing partner that can truly bring value and expertise to the table. One simple way to determine if the agency that’s pitching your business really knows how to deliver results is to look for the Google Partner badge on their website. Ad House Advertising is proud to hold the title of Google Partner Agency. In fact, we were the first advertising agency in New Mexico to achieve this status! What does this mean for you as the client?
To be certified as a Google Partner, an agency must show that it is cooperating with Google’s best practices. They must pass several Google courses and undergo rigorous testing to prove their in-depth knowledge of online advertising. Google Partners must take exams yearly to maintain their certification status. Google only certifies agencies they fully endorse as experts.
Google looks at an agency’s AdWords manager account to assess client revenue growth, client retention, overall revenue growth, and growth in a number of advertisers. Google Partners must prove their ability to achieve results for their clients. When you choose a Google Partner agency, you’re choosing a marketing partner that has shown time and time again that they know how to achieve results.
Google Partner agencies are notified of new Google products before they are launched. Companies that have earned the Google Partner badge have access to Google’s Beta features before the general public does. When Google releases a new feature or application, Google Partners can begin testing it up to a year or more before it’s available to everyone else. This allows Google Partners to offer a competitive edge to their clients.
Google Partners have their own agency team at Google that they can contact without having to wait in line. Any time a client has an issue, Google is ready to assist. It can sometimes take days to address problems with your advertising if you’re doing it on your own, but with a Google Partner agency, you have a dedicated team of experts ready to help.
Google is a world leader in marketing and digital advertising. With the largest market share of US internet searches and a wide array of the most successful and frequently used online advertising products, Google sets the standards for digital marketing. Advertising agencies that specialize in digital marketing should be following Google’s best practices. For more information, contact the certified experts at Ad House Advertising.