Company Timeline

By Published On: December 11th, 20134.3 min read
October 2019

Best Website Designers

For the second consecutive year, Ad House was named Best Website Designers in the Reader’s Choice awards conducted by the Rio Rancho Observer.

August 2019

Continued Client Growth

Ad House was again named one of Albuquerque’s top Advertising, PR and Creative Firms by the Albuquerque Business First. The company’s local revenue in 2018 topped more than $3.2M. We recently onboarded a client in the Washington DC area, the seventh company in a chain of referrals that dates to 2012.

August 2018

Top Full Service Advertising Firm

Ranked on local revenue, Ad House ranked second in the top Full Service Advertising Firms. The Albuquerque Business First listing separated full service agencies from those focusing on only one aspect of marketing, such as public relations or creative design.

July 2018

Telly Award for Lighting Design

Edit House Productions, our video division, was awarded a national Telly for our pro-bono video for Haven House, calling attention to the services to assist those affected by domestic violence.

August 2017

Third Largest Advertising Agency

When ranked by 2016 billings, Ad House ranked third in the Albuquerque Business First list of New Mexico Advertising Agencies.

July 2017

Three Telly Awards

Edit House Productions, our video company, won national Tellys for “EcoServants”, produced for AmeriCorps NM; “Be”, a commercial for the NM State Police; and “DUI Instructional Video” for Southwest Training Consultants.

July 2016

Top New Mexico Production Company

Ad House Advertising’s parent company, Edit House Productions LLC, was again named to the list of top New Mexico video production companies, as listed in Albuquerque Business First. We’ve been listed in the publication since 2002. This year, we were the fourth largest production company in the state.

April 2016

Award-Winning Video Editing

Our post production editor, Matt Smith, received his sixth national Telly Award. This one was for his work in video editing for True Conservation in the online video/political commentary category.

March 2016

Top Website Development Company

Ad House Advertising was again named to the list of top New Mexico web development companies, as listed in Albuquerque Business First. Each year, we produce approximately 25 custom websites.

November 2015

4K High Definition Cameras

Our 4th generation of cameras in our company history have arrived. The Song NEX 4K cameras provide a much greater depth of field, similar to a film camera. Two matched cameras offer unparalleled high definition detail!

May 2015

Another Telly Award

In May, our video editor Matt Smith was awarded his fifth national Telly Award. His public service announcement, “Don’t Drive Drugged”, was awarded for editing expertise. Ad House launched the “Don’t Drive Drugged” awareness campaign in March 2015, producing the website, digital campaign, and video.

March 2015

Demand Side Platform Expansion

Our expanding client base brought about our expansion to the highest-level digital buying software available. This platform now provides Ad House access to approximately 97% of all online ad inventory, including premium channels and placements, up from about 22% of available digital ad inventory. In addition, it incorporates highly-targetable data research on consumer behavior from third-party data providers such as Experion, Mastercard, Forbes, Polk, TransUnion and Nielsen. The DSP (Demand Side Platform) integration allows maximum online reach to targeted prospects, strategic data incorporation, and lower cost per thousands (CPM) for the advertising dollar.

January 2015

15th Anniversary

In 2015, we’ll mark our company’s 15th Anniversary. Our parent company, Edit House Productions, LLC, formed in 2000. Watch for celebrations to come as we recognize our clients’ growth (which is what has led to our own!)

December 2014

Thanks for an Excellent Year

As 2014 came to a close, we look back on the work we’ve accomplished for clients. We are thankful for the addition of several new clients, including a large IT related company, a regional fitness center, another law enforcement agency, several home improvement companies, and both brick-and-mortar and e-commerce retail locations. During the year, we completed 10 sizable websites, served tens of millions of digital ads online, hosted seminars for Google and their Small Business Community, attended a video editing conference in Nashville, and very importantly, had a good time together while creating results for our clients. It was a very good year!

September 2014

Expansion for Content Marketing

Ad House Advertising added a full-time employee in content development and reputation management for our clients. Maggie Grimason, an experienced blogger and social media resource, will oversee blog writing and SEO development, as well as Facebook and Twitter posts for clients. She has earned her Google certification in Search advertising and also creates compelling ad copy for our clients in Google’s strict 25-35-35 character limits! Learn more about Maggie and other Ad House team members on our Staff page.

July 2014

Edit House Among NM’s Top Production Companies

Edit House Productions LLC was again named in the Top 20 New Mexico Video Production Companies by Albuquerque Business First. This is the 11th consecutive year the company has been in the list.

July 2014

July: A Google-y Month

Ad House Advertising’s Ed Smith and Ryan Smith attended a Google Partner seminar on July 23 in Austin, TX. The event focused on where digital advertising is moving and optomizing results for agency clients.

On July 31, Ryan Smith was featured in Google’s Small Business Community weekly video, distributed to more than 36,000 members. He spoke about internet marketing and how it offers small businesses a competitive platform.

June 2014

Telly Award for Non-Profit Video

Matt Smith, post-production editor, was awarded his fourth international Telly Award for editing. The project, “Where All Kids Play”, was a pro-bono video for A Park Above, a local non-profit building an inclusive park for children and adults with disabilities.

May 2014

Ad House Hosts Google Partner Seminar

Ad House Advertising hosted a live webinar with three leading experts in digital advertising and the future of the internet on May 21, 2014. Google Partner agencies across the United States were able to receive the telecast and invite local businesses to attend. Among the key advice: Think of your website as a shop window in a 24/7 mall. Don’t pay for SEO. Know what your average customer is worth.

As a Google Partner, Ad House offers a free consultation for small and medium sized businesses who are looking for information and answers about digital advertising.

February 2014

Graphic Artist Joins Company

Nikelle Gessner has joined Ad House Advertising as a full-time graphic artist. She will also work in the art direction for websites. Nikelle graduated from Humboldt State University with a degree in studio arts and has more than 10 years experience in illustration and graphic design. She is mom to her daughter, Nori, and is a Celtic fidder!

January 2014

Ad House Nominated for Ethics in Business Award

Ad House Advertising and parent company Edit House Productions LLC are among the 2014 nominees for the New Mexico Ethics in Business Award, hosted by the Samaritan Counseling Center in Albuquerque.

The program recognizes companies and individuals who promote high ethical standards for their workplace, the marketplace, the environment and their community.

December 2013

Ryan Smith Named Google Partner “Ambassador”

Ad House’s Ryan Smith was among the first five Google Partners in the world to be named an “Ambassador”. Google Partner Ambassadors are a bridge between the Google community of Partner individuals and agencies, and Google staff. Read our news post “Ryan Smith Named Google Ambassador“.

On December 17, 2013 Ryan flew to Google Headquarters in Moutain View, CA as part of a Hangout On-Air with the other Ambassadors as well as Google Partner organizers. Ryan presented the topic “Convergence: Melding Traditional & Digital Media” to hundreds of Partner Agencies that tuned in to the broadcast. This is Ryan’s third invitation to Google’s main campus.

The full video of the Ambassadors program reveal is available here: “Meet the Google Partner Ambassadors“.

August 2013

Second Google All-Star Recognition for Ad House

Ad House Advertising was recognized for the second consecutive year as a Google All Star, a friendly competition for Google’s top digital marketing agencies worldwide. Agencies compete to help their clients’ businesses grow through the use of search and display network ads as well as demonstrate a level of business development.

In order to be named as All Star, SEM agencies must reach specific criteria. Google selects about 200 of the top agencies (out of more than 14,000 worldwide) to attend the expenses-paid summit, August 12-13, 2013 at their global headquarters in Mountain View, CA. Google shares advanced training, exclusive information, one-on-one consultations with Google experts, and a tour of Googleplex.

Ad House is the first New Mexico company to meet the standards to qualify as a Google AdWords Certified Partner. The staff has qualified for all 3 individual certifications in Search, Display and Reporting/Analysis. They work with many local, regional and national companies to create effective pay-per-click marketing campaigns.

June 2013

Ad House Advertising Expands Reputation Management Area

To meet increasing client needs in reputation management, Ad House Advertising has added additional staff to handle content creation and response. Reputation management includes the ongoing creation of social media posts and response to followers; writing keyword-rich blogs and news releases; and monitoring and response to online reviews. Client categories of particular importance include automotive, financial, professional services and recruiting.

A robust social media strategy offers positive impact in search engine ranking and in website traffic. Ad House, the only New Mexico company qualified as a Google AdWords Certified Partner, offers an integrated approach to online marketing through pay-per-click ads, social media, website development, and SEO as well as traditional media such as broadcast and other advertising.

February 2013

Staff Earns Additional Google Certifications

The in-house team at Ad House Advertising have added additional certifications to their roster. Ryan Smith, Online Marketing Speciialist for Ad House Advertising, has earned the third and final Google certification for Reporting and Analysis. The Reporting and Analytics certification focuses on tracking conversions to optimize the dollars spent on pay-per-click ads into more leads and sales. In addition, the certification testing covers AdWords reports, Analytics reports, conversion tracking with AdWords, conversion tracking with Analytics, tagging links, linking AdWords and Analytics accounts, and other criteria to strengthen campaign results.

In addition, Ed Smith, the company’s founder, has also passed individual certification for Search advertising. To be individually qualified, a person must pass both the fundamental exam and one advanced exam.

The agency now lists 3 individuals qualified in Search, 1 in Display and 1 in Reporting and Analysis. Ad House is the first New Mexico company to meet the standards to qualify as a Google AdWords Certified Partner and works with many local, regional and national companies to create effective integrated marketing campaigns.

January 2013

Company Purchases Office

Ad House Advertising and Edit House Productions, LLC purchased office space for the companies’ needs in January 2013. The facility is located on the northwest corner of Highway 528 and Southern Blvd. in Rio Rancho, at 918 Pinehurst Rd. SE, Suite 102.

The purchase was made from Rachel Matthew Development, a custom builder of offices buildings and custom homes. The timing coincides with Edit House’s 13th year in business.

Ad House, the only New Mexico company qualified as a Google AdWords Certified Partner, offers online marketing through pay-per-click ads, social media, website development, and SEO as well as integrating pertinent online components into strategic marketing plans including broadcast or other advertising. Edit House Productions produces high-definition television commercials, web videos and documentaries.

November 2012

Ad House Selected to Attend Google All-Stars Event

Ad House Advertising was awarded a trip to Google’s Global Headquarters in Mountain View, California to participate in an All-Stars event, Nov.14-15, 2012. Ryan Smith, Online Marketing Specialist for Ad House and Google-certified in both search and display advertising, attended the workshop. About 60 companies from around the world were invited to attend the training and brainstorming event

Ad House is the first New Mexico company to meet the standards to qualify as a Google AdWords Certified Partner and works with many local, regional and national companies to create effective integrated marketing campaigns.

June 2012

Two Telly Awards Recognize Our Work

Edit House Productions, LLC, the production company affiliated with Ad House Advertising, has won two more national awards. The most recent are Telly Awards, which honor the very best local, regional, and cable television commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions, and work created for the Web. Entries are self-nominated with nearly 11,000 submissions per year, with the submissions judged by past award winners.

Edit House Productions, LLC was awarded two Bronze Awards for Achievement in Overall Production and in Editing Technique for the project “New Mexico State Police: Timestamp”. ”Timestamp” follows a day in the life of the agency’s officers. The Timestamp video was part of a new Training and Recruiting campaign created by Ad House Advertising which included two thirty second commercials that played all across New Mexico. The campaign also included two web-based videos that played world-wide, and a targeted online pay-per-click ad campaign.

Matt Smith was the lead editor, and one of the cinematographers for the project. He has worked as a production assistant, editor and cinematographer for the company for many years.

April 2012

Google AdWords Certified Partner

Ad House Advertising became the first New Mexico company to meet Google’s strict criteria as a Certified Partner. Only about 850 companies in the United States have achieved that status. Google AdWords Certified Partners include search engine optimizers (SEOs), online marketing professionals, agencies, and others active in search engine marketing (SEM), who’ve been certified by Google to manage AdWords accounts. To become qualified, professionals must demonstrate an in-depth understanding of AdWords by passing stringent exams and meet other Google criteria. Ad House Advertising has two members who are Google Qualified Individuals, the most of any company located in New Mexico. Ryan Smith has earned both the Google Search Network and Display Network qualifications; Kim Smith has earned the Google Search Network qualification.

Ad House offers online marketing through pay-per-click ads, social media, website development, and SEO as well as including pertinent online components into a broader, strategic marketing plan.

March 2012

Ad House Forms

Ad House Advertising, a division of Edit House Productions, LLC, is formed to better position our rapidly growing on-air and on-line advertising and marketing services. As the only New Mexico company with a Google AdWords dual-certified person in-house, the Ad House label will allow US better visibility (practicing what we preach!) No worries– we’re still the same folks that have served clients in Albuquerque and across the Southwest for more than a decade, dedicated to your company’s success.

February 2012

International Best of Show

Edit House Productions, LLC was awarded the “Platinum Best of Show” in the 2011 Aurora Awards competition. The Aurora Awards are an independent film and video international competition for commercials and documentaries. Ed Smith, president, won best of show in the competition for Creative Achievement in Cinematography category for the project “Mulungwishi: A United Methodist Mission”. Smith and his wife, Kim Smith who produced and wrote the documentary, traveled some 38 hours to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in April 2011 and had only 4 days in-country to complete the entire 30 minute documentary.The project may be seen on the EdithouseNM channel on YouTube.Mulungwishi: A United Methodist Mission.

January-December 2011

Client Growth

We added a number of new clients in 2011 including Linton and Associates, Worth Hearing Center, Melloy Dodge, Fiat of Albuquerque, Albuquerque Public Schools Safe Schools-Healthy Students, Sanchez and Piñon and others. We’re thankful for the partnership in your efforts.

December 2011

Rainwater and the Future

Massive roof leaks and rainwater pouring into our offices in mid-December tested our endurance, but not our faith! In order to complete on-air and on-line projects for next-day deadlines, we moved numerous computers and editing systems to our home (where Edit House began in 2000!) After six weeks of construction delays, we decided to move the remaining items home as well, as we seek to purchase our own commercial space in the coming months.

October 2010

Tops in New Mexico

Edit House is named #1 Video Production/Film Company by the New Mexico Business Weekly. We’ve been in the top 10 in this prestigious annual ranking for a number of years, but it’s nice to be at the top. We’re appreciative of our long-term clients that are the ones that put us there.

January 2010

Our 10th Anniversary

In celebration of Edit House’s 10th Anniversary, we donated $10,000 in services to four area non-profits: a new website for CASA Sandoval County; repairs and revisions to The Storehouse West website; a television PSA for NAMI Westside; and a short training video for Red Mountain Family Services. Thank you to the volunteers and these outstanding non-profits that serve Sandoval County for all that you do.


Online PPC Campaigns

We created our first pay-per-click campaign with Google AdWords, and also launched a number of Facebook sites for clients, including one for the New Mexico State Police Training and Recruiting division. Within three years, that site grew to 5,000 fans and is part of the agency’s overall online marketing strategy.


Business Excellence

We’ve been a Chamber member for many years, and support Chambers of Commerce for their business leadership and networking opportunities. In 2008, we were pleased to be awarded the “Excellence in Business” Award by the Rio Rancho Regional Chamber of Commerce.


Statewide Recognition

2007 was a busy year! We were awarded one of five VIVA Awards by the New Mexico Association of Commerce and Industry, a very high honor indeed. We moved to expanded office space near Highway 528 and Meadowlark Lane in Rio Rancho, to handle our growing business. Contracts were established with Nielsen Media Research™ and One Domain™ for independent ratings analysis.


Making A Difference

Agency relationship established with the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico. Over several years, television and radio campaigns notified problem gamblers and their families how to get help; English and Spanish brochures were created; a website produced; materials produced for the annual conference; and other marketing assistance.

December 2005

$5,000 Donation for Community Service

In celebration of our 5th anniversary, Edit House donated $5,000 in services to a non-profit organization serving our community. Applications from 33 local non-profits were received; Haven House was selected and a 5-minute video on domestic violence awareness was completed.

June 2005

Kim Smith Joins Company

After 10 years, Kim Smith left KRQE-TV as the local sales manager to return to her passion. As a partner in Edit House, her responsibilities included working with locally-owned businesses owners to improve the results of their advertising and marketing.


Coast-to-Coast Commercials

Our commercials were being seen in nearly 100 television markets across the US, as we produced custom tags for a commercial we made for a national retailer.


Second Expansion

Edit House expanded, adding our first full-time production assistant/editor and also moving to commercial space near Sundt Road and Highway 528 in Rio Rancho. Since our kids are still in school, this keeps our office close to our home and schools.


Getting Bigger

We have added several part-time staff, handling bookkeeping, co-op submissions for clients and production assistant duties.


Outta the House

Edit House moves outta the house! Our first commercial office was located at the corner of Northern Blvd. and Highway 528 in Rio Rancho. After about 18 months, we’d outgrown this too! Growth in our client base included a number of automotive, retail and service clients, many of whom are still with us in 2012 as Ad House is formed.


Internationally Recognized

A documentary is made of the New Mexico State Police Academy, following the recruits through the 18-week course. “Becoming An Officer” wins three International Aurora Awards and helps the agency better screen candidates coming into the program. Edit House also begins placing media buys for several clients.


Small Business Launched

Ed Smith forms Edit House Productions after 14 years in video production for various television stations. The start of non-linear editing systems allows him to purchase a system, including Final Cut Pro v1.0, and “Ed at house” begins in a small office in the Smith’s home

Matt Smith

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