Marketing FAQ

By Published On: December 3rd, 20136.5 min read
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What are all the acronyms (SEO, SEM, SMM, PPC) about?Those are all components in online marketing.

  • SEO or search engine optimization include strategies and techniques to help your website attain higher rankings in search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. Search engines changed how they rank sites in 2012 so paying a monthly SEO fee to a company will likely have no positive effect on your rank, which now is largely determined by fresh, relevant content on your website (that’s why a blog is so important).
  • SEM refers to search engine marketing, a detailed advertising plan to promote web traffic to your site, typically to increase your customer leads or generate sales.
  • SMM means social media marketing, or the use of social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and many others to spread your message and develop relationships with your followers.
  • PPC or pay-per-click is the primary online advertising medium. Literally, your ad does not cost until it is clicked, generating a visit to your website. PPC ads target active online shoppers and can be finely-matched to your product or service to deliver highly-qualified prospects to you. Search ads are the most common, but Display and Video PPC ads can be very efficient in building traffic and results.

How important are blogs, tweets and Facebook? For most businesses, those elements can be part of an online marketing campaign to exposure. When search engines began evaluating fresh, relevant web content to determine organic ranking, blogs have become much more important. Blogs now should be part of every website, and updated regularly. Tweets and Facebook posts create organic listings—the benefit is that with enough of those, you could push your competitor to a lower position. The drawback—they take a lot of time to produce consistently and provide fresh material. We’ll help you find a balance with what you need, what you have time to manage, and what will help grow your business.

What is Reputation Management? Reputation management refers to the strategies and tactics to control your online reputation. Consumers look for reviews to help decide who to do business with, so having reviews helps build consumer trust as well as positively impact your PPC ad results. At Ad House, our reputation management team develops tools to encourage real-customer reviews and respond appropriately to less-than-positive reviews. Social media like Facebook and Twitter also can impact your company’s reputation, so we help monitor or sometimes entirely manage clients’ social media sites.

What’s the importance of being a Google Partner? It’s actually a big deal. Google is a powerhouse, by far the most-used search engine. When a consumer enters a search term, the Google platform is best-equipped to match ads from companies selling that product or service, right to the shopper. By completing the extensive Google certification classes and meeting the qualifications to be a Google Partner, we’ve learned the specifics of how to best build an online PPC campaign, techniques on advanced bidding to best position your ad for cost-effective results, and how to combine search, display and video networks across both PC and mobile technologies. We are the only New Mexico-owned company to qualify as a Google Partner, and we have multiple staff members who are individually certified in the 3 categories: Search and Display advertising as well as Reporting/Analysis. Google lists several out-of-state companies with a New Mexico branch, but we are the only New Mexico-owned company with certified staff on-site, and have multiple recognitions as a Google All-Star (one of 200 global companies awarded, out of more than 14,000 digital agencies).

Is a national level company better to use for online marketing? If you’re a local or regional business, you’re probably better represented with a local online marketing agency. A local relationship means you can meet face-to-face for better communication, and very importantly, the local folks can better match keywords and ad content for more specific campaigns. Look around by all means, but our experience has been that national-level companies are much more expensive, for a lesser degree of service. A national company may have one certified individual who oversees a team of uncertified assistants who actually manage your account.

What other online ads do you handle? Whatever makes sense for each clients’ needs, demographics and budget. We’ve run Facebook and LinkedIn ad campaigns, Yahoo and Bing campaigns, researched Hulu and individual TV and Radio stations’ online opportunities. Whatever the online provider, we can help you create a better, stronger campaign.

How do you charge for an online campaign? It depends on how encompassing it is. To manage and maximize your PPC campaign, we charge an initial set-up fee and an ongoing monthly fee for hands-on monitoring and regular reporting. Other online components such as social media set-up or ongoing management, writing blogs, recommending updates within your site for SEO, and other services are estimated by the project, for your needs.

How do you charge for media buying, graphic arts and reputation management? Many of our services in media-buying are included within the cost you’d pay a radio or TV station, so there’s no added cost. Other services such as consultations, copywriting, layout/design and so on, are hourly fee-for-service. We’re happy to provide a written estimate before beginning a project and only vary from the estimate if you modify the scope of work. Because of our buying power in advertising and strong vendor relationships, we are often able to provide more product for your budget, further stretching your ad dollars.

Who owns the material Ad House produces? Whether it’s a website, brochure, web video or tv commercial, we maintain that it is owned in its entirety by the client when payment is completed. No ongoing monthly fees that tie your project to us-—we actually provide training so you can monitor and update your own website, upload your videos to your YouTube channel, and so on. Furthermore, we promise to not shamelessly promote ourselves for the work we do for our clients; we produce good work for YOU, not as a means of gaining OUR next client.

There’s a lot of jargon in advertising. What’s it mean? Agreed! We’re happy to explain all that lingo, to give you as much detailed information about how we go about evaluating your best media options and what to expect it to produce. In fact, call us for our free “Ad-Endums” with an extensive glossary of media terms.

What sets Ad House apart? After all, you’re not the biggest name in town. Very true! Ad House is a division of Edit House Productions, who’s been one of the biggest names in New Mexico video production for more than a decade. Several years ago, we separated our expanding media division under the Ad House Advertising name. Ask our clients about Edit House and Ad House– and their experiences from integrated ad campaigns managed by Ed and Kim Smith. With our company, you work closely with a managing member, someone who’s made a 30-year career in advertising and marketing. You work with those actually creating your campaigns, not with freelancers, interns, or graduates just out of school.

Can’t I do this on my own? Yes, you can. No matter the advertising medium, an agency is rarely required to place advertising. Simply, you always have the option of advertising by yourself. The follow-up question is: “Do I WANT to do this myself?” As an agency, it is our duty to use our skill and experience to better guide your advertising dollars. We effectively and efficiently plan advertising solutions in multiple mediums to best target exactly the customer you need to reach. We also bring a level of objectivity to the decisions, based on the marketing goals. We handle your accounts, leaving you to tend to your company.

Matt Smith

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