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Tag: <span>online marketing</span>

Brand Safe Ad Placement

Brand Safe Ad Placement

Recently, major brands including AT&T, Walmart, and Coca-Cola have pulled digital advertising dollars from YouTube after reports that their ads were being shown alongside offensive video content. Advertisers are very concerned about how their brand is perceived by...
Why You Shouldn’t Google Yourself

Why You Shouldn’t Google Yourself

As of last year, Google handles at least 2 trillion search queries annually. If your business is advertising on Google AdWords, you’re likely curious to see what your ads look like to your potential customers. You may be tempted to Google your ads, just to make sure...
Home Improvement Ads Should Start Now

Home Improvement Ads Should Start Now

In 2015, home improvement retailers in the U.S. saw sales reach well over $300 billion. Yes, that’s billion with a “b.” Spring is only a month or so away, and home improvement season will officially begin. Now is the time for small businesses in the home improvement...