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Tag: <span>Business</span>

Ad-Endum: Interpreting the Jargon

Ad-Endum: Interpreting the Jargon

In advertising, we oftentimes use industry jargon that can be very confusing to most people. We use acronyms like CPM, CPC, SEO, PPC and DMA. We say things like Cume, Frequency, and Gross Rating Points, and for the business owner, it can be very difficult to decipher...

A Passion For Small Business

“We welcome you as agencies passionate about growing small business. You are the experts in this field and the best of the best,” said Minjae Lee, Associate Product Marketing Manager at Google, in the opening statement at the August 2013 Google All Star...
But Have You Done “X”?

But Have You Done “X”?

There are literally thousands of types of retail and service businesses, and new ideas crop up every day. Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, you’re selling something to someone. Your key competition may be local or may be internet-based and located...
How To Choose an Ad Agency

How To Choose an Ad Agency

At some point, many business owners question if they should be using an advertising agency. For some, it’s because they realize their time is more vital in growing the business itself than it is to evaluate the hundreds of advertising opportunities presented by...
Who Owns Your Company?

Who Owns Your Company?

We talk with Albuquerque business owners all the time. And one of the most frequent things we hear is their shock at realizing they’ve only been renting their website– that they don’t actually own it. Think what a difficult position that puts a...